
Monday 26 October 2020

Recommendation for Maximilian Sulistiyo

October 26, 2020

Letter of Recommendation for a Job Position

October 26, 2020

Muhammad Derbyanoe Lexa Justicio
Dago street no. 36, Bandung

Dear Mr. Budi Sulistiyo,
It is my pleasure to recommend Maximilian Sulistiyo for a position as a Software Engineer at Google.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Muhammad Derbyanoe Lexa Justicio, the CEO of KARA, It's been 10 years since I started this company, and surrounded by highly skilled workers. Maximilian is one of them. He is the man who has uniquely stands out.

During the 10 years, I've worked with him, Maximilian showed great talent in programming, his codes and programs always worked flawlessly. When we first met, I was impressed with him and the programming skills. He is the kind of person with talk less, do more. 

My first experience with Maximilian's adaptability came not long after he was hired. Once, Maximilian showed his talent, and I saw it with my own eyes. He manages to save our servers in less than 15 minutes from a dangerous cyber attack. 

It's not just his programming skills that impress me, however, Maximilian was easy to work with because of his good attitude, kind, and diligent person. It makes me feel good to work with him. He is good at TWTB (Team Work Team Building).

If you need more information about Maximilian Sulistiyo, you can contact me at This recommendation letter only shows a glimpse of his skills and achievements. I would be happy to further elaborate on my time working with him.


Muhammad Derbyanoe Lexa Justicio


Monday 19 October 2020

My Goal, My Ambition

Dreams and real life are two sides of human life. That said, many things that happen in the real world start from dreams.

    Every human being has the confidence and ability to realize the dreams he/she has planned since long ago. People's dreams develop along with the needs and realities they face. He realized that with his persistence in that goal could produce the dreams he wanted. It doesn't matter how big or small our dreams are, everything is determined by the strength of desire. Humans living in this world must have a purpose. Humans who do not have it all will be confused about living their lives.

    Dreams for me have the meaning of someone's hope for their future, dreams have different meanings for everyone, many think dreams are dreams that are very difficult to achieve, in fact this is not entirely true, because a dream can definitely be achieved if we try seriously- really in order to be achieved. There are those who think dreams are just dreams, but there are also people who think that as their life goals, having dreams can give them the enthusiasm to continue to move forward to carry out this life so that it can become self-development. However, we certainly agree that reaching for the dream of a coveted future is not as easy as snapping fingers. Many obstacles must be overcome.

Then, what is my dream?

    My name is Muhammad Derbyanoe Lexa Justicio. My doubts about physics and mathematics have grown since I was a child. I spent a lot of my childhood studying a fair amount of science. Also, when I was a child, I liked to read biographies of famous figures. From scientists to well-known figures such as historians, presidents and many more, I like to read them.

    I don't know why, but when I was studying mathematics and physics, my head which slowly turned a little dizzy and eyes that heated up due to forgetfulness gave me a special pleasure. Some people consider it all torture, but not for me. It's all a gift. Gift can learn and enjoy certain effects while you studying something.

    I've always dreamed of becoming a great person, greater than the third President of Indonesia, BJ Habibie. That's no prolem, right? I want to become an engineer and advance Indonesia, my country, in the field of technology. But just like other children, I also often have different ideals, sometimes I want to become a doctor, an architect, even a police officer. But as time went by, I was able to determine what I should do in my future.

    Now I am in high school. The high school where I studied is one of the best schools in Indonesia. With each passing day, my desire to make my dreams become stronger.

    After high school, I wanted to study at the Bandung Institute of Technology or find a scholarship to study abroad. While I'm in college, I also want to build a business with my friends so that my life doesn't depend solely on my parents.


     I want to go to school as high as possible, and become an engineer. Not only an engineer, a professor. I want to become a minister for State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), like Eric Thohir. I really want to fix the State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia.

   When my dream has come true, I want to be able to help other people realize their dreams. When I am successful enough, I really want to be able to send orphans to school. I often feel sorry for the orphans. I want to become a regular donor to an orphanage / foundation, or even establish a foundation,

    I will try to achieve all of my dreams and make them come true. When all my dreams come true, I will dedicate them all to the happiness of my parents, because without them I would not be able to make it all happen.

Wednesday 14 October 2020




Hi everyone, this time I will review Nicos Weg movie. Happy reading!

This movie is the first German language movie that I watched. It took a long time to understand this movie. This movie tells the story of a young man named Nico who goes on vacation to Germany. Nico from Spanish, so for him, Germany is still quite foreign. 

Honestly, this film is a film that is suitable to watch with family. This film makes it easier for us to learn German, especially for film lovers. Nico's story, maybe it can be an illustration when we go to Germany with quite a bit of language understanding. More or less, I have to open a dictionary in order to understand the meaning of this film. However, still, this film is really able to convey German language learning properly.

The story begins, when Niko went to Germany for a vacation to meet his aunt. While at the airport, Nico experienced something surprising and troublesome. Without realizing it, his bag disappeared. Nico, who was careless, was confused about how to get her bag back. Luckily, Niko got help from one of the German peoples. However, it turns out that finding Niko's bag is not as easy as it seems. Many things happened. For more details, friends can watch the film, Link below.

Nicos Weg

Maybe I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this film, before we get into the advantages and disadvantages, I just want to remind you that this is my only opinion. It could be, my taste in film is much different from the taste of your friends' films.

Advantages of Film

The advantages in this film are quite a lot, starting from the light plot, to the way of speaking the words which can be said to be easy to understand. What I should appreciate is how the director and scriptwriter put the value of the German language in this film. This is very rare, how can you include the material that must be conveyed in this film. I also appreciate how the players play their respective roles. Almost all actors and actresses play very beautifully. Especially the character Nico, really can be relied on to be the main character. Can become the best actor when he was confused, trying to joke with the small children around him, and how he reacted to the situation really felt very real. Of course, not everyone is capable of doing it. A few scenes are also enough to let us know the tricks of learning German. Sticking paper on an object, for example, it really did not occur to me. And it looks like I'll start doing it.

Disadvantages of Film

The flaws in this film are actually quite a few. I think the shortcomings of this film are the first, how to take pictures. You could say, the shooting in this film is not optimal. Mainly, to present a scene that seems and should be able to appear even more beautiful. Because in my opinion, there are a lot of scenes with less attractive backgrounds. Not a big promblem actually, however, enough to bother my mind for a moment. Second, some scenes show how to speak quite quickly. It's not that fast, however, for me who is just learning German, it is a bit of a hassle. The plot of this film feels a little boring, because in my opinion, this film is classified as having a very, very flat plot. There is no rhythm that can make the audience stare and on the contrary, there are a lot of algorithms that make the audience a little sleepy.

The words that still ring in my ears are "schön" somehow, even today, the word "schön" is still in my head. Difficult words? Obviously there is, but it can be overcome because I am always accompanied by my favorite dictionary.

Maybe that's all I can review this time, 


Monday 27 July 2020


Hi guys so today i want to give all of u the example of offers and suggestions dialogue. Enjoyy

Ilyas: Hello der, how are you ??
 Derby: Hello ilyas, I'm fine thank you
 Ilyas: What are you doing der ??
 Derby: Here I am planning about a cultural tour destination for 11th grade ...
 Ilyas: May I help you? 
 Derby: yes of course
 Ilyas: I think we should look for the internet what a good destination
 Derby: okay
 Azka is coming.
 Azka: Der what to do ??  Have you gotten a destination for Tur Budaya?? 
 Derby: This is again being discussed
 Azka: What about going to Bali?  Bali is good city with beautiful scenery
 Ilyas: yes, I would like to.
 Derby: Yes I agree
 Azka: what do you think about transportation to the Bali ??
 Derby: I suggest by plane so that the trip is fast
 Ilyas: what about the train ??  With the train there is time to be with friends while on a trip
 Azka: OK what if you board the plane and go home by train.
 Der: yes , you are right
 Ilyas: yes, I agree too

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Friday 3 April 2020

Review Film Sultan Agung, Film Sejarah Kebanggaan Hanung Bramantyo

Film Sultan Agung adalah film karangan sutradara terkenal yang tidak perlu diragukan lagi keahlian dalam membuat film. Yap! Hanung Bramantyo. Sutradara kelahiran Yogyakarta ini berhasil menggarap film sejarah berjudul "Sultan Agung: Tahta, Perjuangan, Cinta" dan mememperoleh lebih dari satu juta penonton di layar kaca. Meskipun sudah banyak orang yang membahas film ini, saya ingin membahasnya leih dalam di tahun 2020.

Sinopsis Film

Setelah ayahnya, Panembahan Hanyokrowati wafat, Raden Mas Rangsang yang masih remaja menggantikannya dan diberi gelar Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma. Ini adalah sebuah tanggung jawab yang tidak mudah. Sultan Agung harus menyatukan adipati-adipati di tanah Jawa yang tercerai berai oleh politik VOC yang dipimpin oleh Jan Pieterszoon Coen, di bawah panji Mataram. Di sisi lain, ia harus mengorbankan pula cinta sejatinya kepada Lembayung dengan menikahi perempuan ningrat yang bukan pilihannya.

Proses Produksi

Dalam proses pembuatannya, Hanung telah menyiapkan segalanya. Mulai dari lokasi, hingga dialog jawa yang amat sangat halus "krama" telah dipersiapkan dengan sangat matang. Hanung juga telah memilih aktor dan aktris yang tepat untuk memainkan perannya masing - masing. Meskipun demikian, sebagian orang menganggap beberapa aktror dan atau aktris dinilai kurang cocok dan fasih dalam berbahasa jawa. Lokasi yang dipilih sebagai tempat syuting film juga sangat cocok dan dinilai memukau.

Pengenalan Tokoh yang Sangat Baik

Pada pembukaan film, penonton disuguhkan masa muda Raden Mas Rangsang (Marthino Lio) di padepokan tempat ia menuntut ilmu agama dan ilmu lainnya yang ditinggalkan oleh Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga dan diajar oleh Ki Jejer (Deddy Sutomo).
Selain itu, penonton juga disajikan dengan kisah cinta Raden Mas Rangsang dan Lembayung (Putri Marino)yang cukup unik dan menarik. Ada beberapa scene yang dapat menghibur penonton dengan keseruan dan kelucuannya. 

Menurut saya, ini suatu inovasi baru dari film karya Hanung Bramantyo. Dalam bagian pembukaan, Marthino Lio, PutriMarino,dan Deddy Sutomo mampu mengantarkan penonton ke suasana zaman mataram dengan bahasa jawa yang sangat baik dan cukup memukau. Saya sempat dibuat kagum dengan akting Putri Marino yang benar - benar menguasai karakter spenuhnya.
Hanung berhasil menambahkan detail - detail dimana bagi sebagian orang, hal tersebut merupakan hal penting dan tak boleh dilewatkan. Kita juga akan disuguhkan dengan keindahan Mataram masa lampau.


Film ini menumbuhkan mental perjuangan anak bangsa. Mengingat, film ini dibuat sesuai dengan catatan sejarah. Hanung bramantyo dengan berani dan percaya diri menyuguhkan film yang sangat jarang sekali diminati orang ( dalam proses produksinya). Watak dari Hnung Bamantyo sebagai seorang sutradara ternama yang punya cara sendiri dalam mengendalikan Martinho Lio dan Adinia Wirasti sangatlah hebat. Mereka tampil memukau di layar kaca dan menuai banya sekali pujian. 
Scene peperangan dan konflik yang terjadi dapat menjadi pelajaran penting bagi kita semua. Selain itu, Hanung mampu membuat film ini benar - benar bernilai dengan pesan moral yang ada di dalamnya. Beberapa aktor dan aktris juga dapat menjadi karakte yang ditokohkan dengan baik. Mengingat, berperan menjadi anggota dari keraton haruslan penuh kehati - hatian. Oleh karena itu, saya mengapresiasi pemeran dan semua tim yang telah bekerja sama dalam pembuatan film ini.


Setiap film tidak bisa terhindar dari yang namanya kesalahan dan lain sebagainya. Film ini dinilai kerap kali menampilkan adegan yang terlalu dramatis. Atau biasa disebut dramatisasi yang terlalu berlebihan. Sehingga, sekilas saya mengira ini film yang sedikit terlalu memaksa. 
Penggunaan bahasa jawa oleh beberapa tokoh juga dinilai terlalu kaku. Sehingga, hampir tidak sesuai dengan logat khas orang jawa. Ditambah dengan kurang gregetnya akting dari beberapa pemeran seperti: Adinia Wirasti (Lembayung dewasa) dan Christine Hakim (Ibu RM Rangsang)
Scene kematian Jan Pieterszoon Coen yang kurang memuaskan dan dinilai terlalu memaksa sangatlah mengganggu.


Film ini sangat cocok ditonton oleh kalangan remaja. Dengan demikian, para remaja bisa menghargai dan banyak belajar dari perjuangan Sultan agung di film ini. Meskipun terdapat beberapa kekurangan, tapi tetep kok Overall film ini kece.
Score: 8,5/10

Thursday 20 February 2020



welcome back to my blog. in this occasion, i would like to present our vlog with my friend, Azka  SMA NEGERI 3' S EVENT. that event is Edu Passion 'Daryaskara'

To see my video CLICK DI DIEU

Thursday 23 January 2020



A long time ago in East Java there were two strong animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in the sea. Actually, they were friends. But when they were hungry, they were very greedy. They did not want to share their food. They would fight for it and never stop fighting until one of them gave up. It was a very hot day. Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat. 
Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya.

“No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy! I had not eaten for two days!” said Sura.
Then Sura and Baya fought again. After several hours, they were very tired. Sura had a plan to stop their bad behavior.
“I’m tired of fighting, Baya,” said Sura.
Me too. What should we do to stop fighting? Do you have any idea?” asked Baya. 

Yes, I do. Let’s share our territory. I live in the water, so I look for food in the sea. And you live on the land, right? So, you look for the food also on the land. The border is the beach, so we will never meet again. Do you agree?” asked Sura. 
Hmm... let me think about it. OK, I agree. From today, I will never go to the sea again. My place is on the land,” said Baya.

Then they both lived in the different places. But one day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise.
“Hey, what are you doing here? This is my place. Your place is in the sea!”
“But, there is water in the river, right? So, this is also my place!” said Sura.  Then Sura and Baya fought again. They both hit each other. Sura bite Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up. He went back to the sea. Baya was very happy. He had his place again.
The place where they were fighting was a mess. Blood was everywhere. People then always talked about the fight between Sura and Baya. They then named the place of the fight as Surabaya, it’s from Sura the shark and Baya the crocodile. People also put their war as the symbol of Surabaya city.


1) Who gave the name of the city of Surabaya ?

2) How many characters were there in the story ?

3) What is the storyline like ?

4) What was the Crocodille name ?

5) Where did Sura and Baya live before the fight ?

6) What was the border ?

7) Where did Sura and Baya live after the fight ?

8) Where did sura look for some food ?

9) Who did break the promise ?

10) What is the moral value of the text above ?

Thursday 9 January 2020


My Holiday Experience

Last holiday, me and my family went to Kediri. We visited many coffee shop there and build a convection business.

We went to Kediri Town. Why? because in Kediri Town there is my grand'ma house. Because my grand'ma house is quite big and large, me and my brother play football together. After we play football together, me and my brother usually invite my family to watch movies in cinema. In another day, me, my brother, and my sister play with our old friends. Sometimes we went to cinema, coffee shop, and each other. In the middle of the night, my brother and i had an idea to build a convection business. Because we have the same goal, The HWAT APPAREL finally formed.

I don't know why, but I think that was great idea. With HWAT APPAREL, I can get income while studying. And as a student i will not be disturbed. Because we want to market the product, we arranged a meeting with old friends and influential people that we will offer cooperation with our product. This is not as easy as imagined, negotiating with old friends and influential people is very difficult an takes a lot of time. Finally, HWAT APPAREL officially opened on the first of January 2020. 

This is not an ordinary holiday story. This is a holiday story that turned into a HWAT APPAREL story. I hope HWAT APPAREL can develop rapidly as times go by.
