
Friday 19 October 2018



1.      COVER :

2.      TITLE :


Raditya Dika Angkasa Putra Moerwani (born 28 December 1984) is an Indonesian writer, comedian, and filmmaker.
He wrote six national bestselling books and starred as the main character in Cinta Brontosaurus (2013), Manusia Setengah Salmon (2013), Marmut Merah Jambu (2014) and Koala Kumal (2016) namely based on the title of the books he wrote. He also appeared in TV comedy serial called "Malam Minggu Miko" on Kompas TV, jury of Stand Up Comedy Indonesia and Stand Up Comedy Academy and host of Comic Action on Indosiar.He is also one of the first Indonesian youtubers who received "Youtube Partner Rewards" and the first Indonesian youtuber that gain more than 1 million subscribers.
Raditya Dika is the eldest of nine siblings, he has 3 younger sisters and 5 younger brother: Ingga, Anggi, Yudhit, Fabiansyah, Michael Teguh, Emir Adriansyah, Muhammad Andi Fatemi and Edgar.
He graduated from Elementary School SMP Tarakanita and SMA 70 Bulungan High School. He continued his education in Adelaide University and Faculty of Social Science and Politics at Universitas Indonesia, majoring in Politics.
·         Raditya, Dika (2005). Kambing Jantan : Sebuah Catatan Harian pelajar Bodoh [Goat: A dumb student diary] (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Gagas Media. ISBN 9789793600697.
·         Raditya, Dika (2005). Cinta Brontosaurus [Love of Brontosaurus] (in Indonesian). Jakarta: GagasMedia. ISBN 9789797800598.
·         Raditya, Dika (2007). Radikus Makankakus: Bukan Binatang Biasa [Radikus Makankakus:Not Ordinary Animal] (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Gagas Media. ISBN 9789797801663.
·         Raditya, Dika (2008). Babi Ngesot: Datang Tak Diundang, Pulang Tak Berkutang [Puckles Pig: Comes Uninvited, Returning Unbreasted] (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Gagas Media. ISBN 9786028066105.
·         Raditya, Dika (2010). Marmut Merah Jambu [A Pink Marmot] (in Indonesian). Jakarta: BukunĂ©. ISBN 9786028066648.
·         Raditya, Dika (2011). Manusia Setengah Salmon [A Half Salmon Human] (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Gagas Media. ISBN 9789797805319.
·         Raditya, Dika (2014). Koala Kumal [A Dingy Koala] (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Gagas Media. ISBN 9789797807696.

·         Cinta Brontosaurus 2013
·         Manusia Setengah Salmon 2013
·         Marmut Merah Jambu 2014
·         Hangout 2016
·         Single 2015
·         Koala kumal 2016
·         Target 2018
·         Cinta Dalam Kardus 2013
·         Kambing Jantan 2009
·         Malem Minggu Miko The Movie 2014
·         Maling Kutang 2009
4.      SYNOPSIS
               In elementary school, besides playing war, Radit, Dodo, and Bahri also liked to sunbathe on an old red car that was often parked on the side of the river beside the complex. The formation is always the same: Bahri and Radit lie on the roof of the car, while Dodo, as usual, is a bit wasted, on the trunk.
               Sometimes Radit, Dodo, and Bahri lie for half an hour. Sometimes, if the weather is very hot, it can take up to two hours. If the weather is cool and not too hot, Radit, Dodo, and Bahri usually look towards the sun, looking at the sky while lying down. If you have this, Bahri puts his hands behind his head, while lying down he says,
'It feels like in Miami, huh?'
'Yes,' replied Radit.
'Yes,' answered Dodo.
               Their friendship runs pleasantly like the friendship of small children in general. But along with their friendship, there was a dispute that made the three of them finally have to separate.
Towards 2010 Radit met a girl who was tomboy named Deska running smoothly, she was good at playing spears. Radit also changed completely since his closeness to the tomboy girl. But it turns out, the tip of the closeness is not as expected.
               In the midst of his busy life, when Raditya Dika feels lonely, he tries to find suitable animals to be nurtured. Finally he agreed to keep cats. Go there here, moving farms with the humor that accompanied Radit to find the right cat.
               Because loneliness one day Radit looks for girls via the internet, or more precisely through the application of an piercing. After a little ado with the girl, they both agreed to meet. Apparently, the meeting was very different from what was expected by Radit. The girl Radit found was different too. Anonymous Woman. Radit recounts the experience of his broken heart. An unusual heartbreak, which is caused by an anonymous woman.
               In 2010 Raditya Dika created Miko, the twists and turns of creating the Miko Sunday Night series from the beginning until the series was filmed. There is so much sweetness and bitterness experienced by Radit in creating the Miko's Sunday Night work.
               Returning to Radit's junior high school, which at that time took part in PMR extracurricular, Radit and his friends were often cheated on by their classmates. When he became a senior, Radit's friends intended to take revenge with his junior. But what, isn't cool, it's even worse.
               Experience in 2004, Radit and his friend Trisna who idolized Harry Potter were unnatural. The Trisna has learned an important lesson from the broken heart she experienced. Which certainly changes the way he views love.
               Back in 2003 Radit told of his experience with the boyfriend who related the distance of time. At first their relationship went well. But over time, such as relationship relationships in general that are likely to fail, the boyfriend finally meets someone. And that's where Raditya Dika again experienced his greatest heartbreak.
               He met again with his ex-girlfriend who had made him experience the greatest 
heartbreak. The former admitted that he regretted having decided it first and told him that he was now different. But listening to these regrets, Radit actually responded in a different way. A more mature way. Radit was inspired by the story of Koala migrating from the forest where he lived. However, when he returned, the forest that had been his home had been cut down, leveled with land by illegal loggers. Just like Raditya Dika's greatest heartbreak story, which makes Radit choose the title of this novel.
Dika:                     He is the main character of this novel. It was told that the character of a Dika 
                              was pessimistic, lacking  in confidence but she was loving, romantic, and easy to forgive.
Dodo:                    Easy to be instigated and innocent but loyal.
Bahri:                    Stubborn and selfish.
Deska:                   Outgoing, tomboy and kind.
Astra:                    Friendly and accommodating
Trisna:                  Its nature is very happy, spirit and has a variety of ways that are not thought of by others. Her role in the koala kumal novel is as someone who helps Dika to move on.
Wira:                     It's cool like a college student in general. He is a man who likes Trisna but in reality Trisna is less responsive to his feelings.
Kinara:                 A good girl and might be said to be a substitute for Andrea.
Andrea:                 He is a former from Dika who then decided Dika for very trivial reasons.
James:                   His character is told as a doctor with stature that has everything more than a Dika.
Dika Parents:       Both are very attentive with Dika. One of the hopes they want from Dika is 
                              that they are eager to meet new Dika’s girlfriend and see him happy.
Ronny:                  He is a friend of Dika from his time together. Ronny was very concerned with Dika until he was the wedding organaizer Dika when he wanted to get married with Andrea.
·         Some words in the novel are impolite
·         In addition, the climax is less attractive
·         The delivery of the novel is easy to understand.
·         The language used does not make me bored in reading.
·         The comedy genre has made me laugh reading it.
·         Good storyline.
·         In almost every chapter there are words of encouragement / words of motivation.
               Don't be saddened by a broken heart. Someone we know is not always like that, change can happen anytime. Therefore mutual understanding with each other must continue to be improved to maintain our relationship with others. Broken heart is a process towards maturity. often broken heart does not mean we must despair of pursuing the love that we must strive for. If love does need a struggle. Without the struggle for love it is empty.
               I read this novel because of its interesting appearance to read, considering Raditya Dika is also famous for good literary and film works
               This book is very interesting to read. Suitable for those of you who want to relieve stress by reading jokes. The jokes in this book are not like other books because they are based on personal experience.
               The suggestion for the author of this book is to include an age label that is allowed to read this book. This aims to reduce the number of young children who accidentally read this book. Language that is not suitable for young children can have an impact on the psychological development of the child.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Manfaat dan Tujuan Mempelajari TIK

Hasil gambar untuk teknologi informasi dan komunikasi

TIK merupakan singkatan dari Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. TIK ini sekarang sudah menjadi mata pelajaran di berbagai sekolah SMP maupun SMA, diberbagai pelosok desa maupun kota. Pelajaran TIK biasanya membahas bagian-bagian dari komputer, seperti Software, Hardware, dan Brainware.
Adapun Manfaat dari mempelajari Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi  yaitu sebagai berikut :

  1. Pelajaran TIK juga mempermudah siswa dalam mengenal internet dan memafaatkannya untuk berkomunikasi dengan teman, keluarga, maupun saudara yang jauh, bahkan mereka bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang yang berada di berbagai belahan dunia tanpa mengalami kesulitan seperti menggunakan jejaring sosial Facebook, Twitter, YM, dll
  2. Dengan adanya palajaran TIK siswa dapat dengan mudah menggunakan komputer untuk mengerjakan tugas yang berhubungan dengan pengolahan angka, pengolahan kata, presentasi, dll
  3. Mengembangkan kompetensi kita dalam menggunakan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar, bekerja, dan berbagai aktifitas dalam kehidupan sehari hari.
  4. Memotivasi kemampuan kita agar bisa beradaptasi dan mengantisipasi perkembangan TIK, sehingga bisa melaksanakan dan menjalani aktifitas kehidupan sehari hari secara mandiri dan lebih percaya diri.
  5. Mengembangkan kemampuan belajar berbasis TIK, sehingga proses pembelajaran dapat lebih optimal, menarik, dan mendorong kita lebih terampil dalam berkomunikasi, terampil mengorganisasi informasi, dan terbiasa bekerjasama.
  6. Dengan adanya pelajaran TIK yang diberikan kepada siswa, maka siswa dapat memfungsikan komputer dan internet secara maksimal sebagai media belajar yang efektif.
  7. Siswa mempunyai pengetahuan yang luas tentang dunia luar seta informasi dari berbagai belahan dunia secara cepat mudah dan murah melalui internet.
  8. Pelajaran TIK menjadi bekal bagi siswa dalam menempuh masa depan yang semakin deras dengan arus globalisasi dan perkembangan tekhnologi yang semakin canggih.

Tujuan mempelajari Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi adalah:
  1. Menyadarkan kita akan potensi perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang terus berubah sehingga termotivasi untuk mengevaluasi dan mempelajari teknologi ini sebagai dasar untuk belajar sepanjang hayat.
  2. Memotivasi kemampuan kita agar bisa beradaptasi dan mengantisipasi perkembangan TIK, sehingga bisa melaksanakan dan menjalani aktifitas kehidupan sehari hari secara mandiri dan lebih percaya diri.
  3. Mengembangkan kompetensi kita dalam menggunakan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar, bekerja, dan berbagai aktifitas dalam kehidupan sehari hari.
  4. Mengembangkan kemampuan belajar berbasis TIK, sehingga proses pembelajaran dapat lebih optimal, menarik, dan mendorong kita lebih terampil dalam berkomunikasi, terampil mengorganisasi informasi, dan terbiasa bekerjasama.
  5. Mengembangkan kemampuan belajar mandiri, berinisiatif, inovatif, kreatif, dan bertanggung jawab dalam penggunaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk pembelajaran, bekerja, dan pemecahan masalah sehari hari.
Mungkin hanya itu yang dapat saya sampaikan terimakasih,,